How Can You Use Sesame Oil?

Sesame oil is obtained from sesame seeds in the process of cold pressing. Ecological and original cosmetic cannot be refined, i.e. purified. It is used in food industry and cosmetic industry, and because of its immediate properties and exceptional ingredients it is extremely popular. It is also used in medical treatments in Ayurveda.

seasame-oil-in-hair-care.jpgWhat should we know about sesame oil, before treatment? Sesame oil is rich in many valuable ingredients, among many: fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic), vitamins (B, D, E) and minerals (zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium). Sesame oil is not resistant to high temperatures, that is why it shouldn’t be heated above 65°C. Sesame oil should be stored in right conditions, i.e. original and airtight packaging, away from source of light, air and humidity. Before application wash your hands and after – carefully turn the bottle.

What properties does sesame oil consist of? This product is a natural antioxidant, that is why it reduces free radicals, prevents premature ageing and grey hair. What is more, it strengthens roots and follicles, prevents excess hair loss. Sesame oil has great moisturising and cleansing properties. It protects hair against harmful factors from external world, sun radiation, mechanical and chemical damages, drying ingredients in dyes and washing cosmetics. Sesame oil covers hair with a layer, which smoothers, seals cuticles, provides gloss and helps tame even wildest streaks. What is more, cosmetic regulates work of sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff and limits excess sebum secretion. After few applications, hair and scalp condition is significantly improved.

Sesame oil can be used for conditioning of dry, deprived of gloss and weak hair. If your streaks require hydration, then perform massage of scalp with use of sesame oil. At first try two table spoons of cosmetic. This small amount of oil massage in circular motion and leave over night. In the morning wash hair with gentle shampoo. Equally good results will bring application of hair mask with sesame oil as a base and additionally ginger and lemon juice. All ingredients mix, apply on hair and leave for 30 minutes. To achieve even better results, put a plastic cap or a towel on a head. After those 30 minutes, wash hair with warm water. If you have problem with matt hair then add few drops of sesame oil to your favourite conditioner or hair mask. Then use it the way you used to. However, if you want to nourish scalp and hair then heat up a bit of sesame oil and mix it with regenerative hair mask. Apply it on hair and leave for an hour, after this time wash hair with delicate shampoo.